JUDICIARY Latest Features

Chief Justice Embarks on Country-Wide Tour of Courts
Hon. Justice Bart Katureebe at Mbale High Court

The\r\nChief Justice started a country wide tour of the courts aimed at familiarizing\r\nhimself with the third arm of state whose reins he took over in March 2015.

\r\nHon. Justice Bart Katureebe began the country wide tour from the Eastern\r\nDistrict of Mbale.

\r\nWhat was shocking during the situation report of Bukwo court which falls under\r\nMbale circuit is that they have not had a state prosecutor for the past one\r\nyear.

\r\nTo that effect, criminal cases are not being prosecuted and that they only\r\nhandle civil cases that are land in nature.

\r\nThis revelation was made by Kapchorwa Grade One Magistrate, His Worship Hood\r\nMatovu during a meeting with the judicial officers and support staff at Mbale\r\nHigh Court.

\r\nHowever, His Worship Matovu did not explain to the meeting what they do with\r\nsuspected criminals.

\r\nThe Hon. Chief Justice, in his remarks, cautioned the Magistrates to avoid\r\ncorruption tendencies, saying they are the face of the Judiciary since they are\r\nthe first contact with the public.

\r\nDuring the meeting that lasted to close to three hours, the judicial officers\r\nand support staff highlighted the challenges that the face as they administer\r\njustice to the people.

\r\nSome of the challenges included; lack of vehicles, slow computers, lack of\r\nenough furniture especially when they get interns and small allowances.

\r\nHon. Justice Katureebe is also scheduled to visit the courts in Soroti, Tororo\r\nand Iganga courts.

Posted 30th, September 2015
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